I'm Bryan

Trainee FrontEnd Developer


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Miss Katty Martinez

My first paid project. A landing page for a communication and public relations expert.

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Profesor Búho

Landing page which boosts a new teaching engineering project.

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WhatsApp Chat Opener

An app to open a whatsapp chat without adding a contact number.

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A simple calculator performing my skills.

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100 Projects

I made the challenge 100 days of coding with HTML, CSS, and JS.

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100 Projects

Day 1: Testimonial slider

Day 2: Tip calculator

Day 3: Age calculator

Day 4: Recipe Book App

Day 5: Dice roll simulator

Day 6: Pomodoro Timer

Day 7: Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spoke game

Day 8: Simple Stopwatch

Day 9: Weight converter

Day 10: Video trailer popup

Day 11: Temperature converter

Day 12: Tabs section

Day 13: Sticky navbar

Day 14: Step progress bar

Day 15: Social Media selector menu

Day 16: Sliderbar menu

Day 17: Real time character counter

Day 18: Random quote generation

Day 19: Random photos app

Day 20: Password generator

Day 21: Random emoji

Day 22: Random color generator

Day 23: Q-A section

Day 24: Profile statistics

Day 25: Photo gallery

Day 26: Notes app

Day 27: Navbar responsive menu

Day 28: Multiplication app

Day 29: Mouse event project

Day 30: Month calender

Day 31: Mini calender

Day 32: Loan calculator

Day 33: Loading bar

Day 34: Notifications app

Day 35: Images slider

Day 36: Social media dashboard

Day 37: Star trail animation

Day 38: Feedback UI

Day 39: English dictionary

Day 40: Emoji rating

Day 41: Drum kits

Day 42: Dropdown navigation

Day 43: Double landing page

Day 44: Dark mode

Day 45: Coding jokes generator

Day 46: Currency converter

Day 47: Counter

Day 48: Button ripple effect

Day 49: BMI calculator

Day 50: Blurred background popup

Day 51: Background video

Day 52: Auto text effect animation

Day 53: Animated search bar

Day 54: Anime pics generator

Day 55: Rotating image gallery

Day 56: Background image scroll

Day 57: Basic calculator

Day 58: Analogue clock

Day 59: New Year countdown

Day 60: Digital clock

Day 61: To Do App

Day 62: Weather App

Day 63: Mortgage calculator

Day 64: Arithmetic arranger

Day 65: Contact form

Day 66: Newsletter sign-up form

Day 67: Narcissistic number checker

Day 68: Time tracking dashboard

Day 69: Article preview component

Day 70: Toggle pricing component

Day 71: Encrypt-Decrypt text app

Day 72: Interactive card details form

Day 73: Base apparel coming soon

Day 74: Expenses chart component

Day 75: Nationality name app

Day 76: Intro component with sign-up form

Day 77: USA phone number validator

Day 78: Documentation page

Day 79: News homepage

Day 80: Viewport calculator

Day 81: Gradient generator

Day 82: Battery device detector

Day 83: Captcha app

Day 84: Scroll progress indicator

Day 85: URL shortener app

Day 86: Internet speed test

Day 87: Chart generator

Day 88: QR code generator

Day 89: Rick & Morty app

Day 90: QR code reader

Day 91: Take screenshot app

Day 92: Steel profile geometry

Day 93: Drag and drop box

Day 94: Puzzle game

Day 95: Profile card creation

Day 96: Ecommerce product page

Day 97: Image gallery with thumbnail

Day 98: Friend request panel

Day 99: Cookies banner

Day 100: Multi-step form

freeCodeCamp Projects

As part of the courses I have been developing some projects to get my certification.

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